It's early December and we've already watched 56 hours of new Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. Let us repeat that: 56 hours. (So next time Aunt Nancy asks what we're working on, we'll be proud to show her this.)

Countdown to Christmas, the network's longrunning programming event, kicked off on Oct. 24, so forget the wicked, there really has been no rest for the festive. Between Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries, 2020's slate has 39 movies, meaning we're already more than halfway through the line-up a few weeks before Christmas. The wicked think they don't rest? Try scheduling your life around Hallmark movies.

And candace cameron bure's annual showing on the Sunday after Thanksgiving weekend has always marked the peak of C-to-C (How we refer to Countdown to Christmas, obviously), so what better time to begin ranking the 30 films that have already aired?

As we noted when the line-up was announced, Hallmark's slate was more diverse and inclusive than ever and we definitely noticed subtle shifts in the movies. But that welcome (and belated) change doesn't mean every flick was worthy of canceling recordings of some of our beloved Bravo shows to make room for more than two dozen (!) of these candy cane-filled and cheerily cheesy movies.

Without further ado, here's our ranking and let us preface this by saying we know for longtime Hallmark fans this isn't personal and it's not business. No, it's personal business. So please know this comes from a place of love and a heart of snark.

(Note: Saturday, Dec. 5 and Sunday, Dec. 6's films are not yet included in the ranking). 
WORST: The Christmas Ring (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)

OK, we are just going to pull the band-aid off quick here: This really was not good. Like, at all. Its two biggest offenses? It was illogical (saying something for a Countdown to Christmas offering) and it was boring. And, worst of all, it never paid off one of the biggest storylines with the lead not locating her mom's lost wedding ring after looking for it the ENTIRE movie. Like that piece of jewelry, we'd sadly like The Christmas Ring to be nowhere to be found when it comes time to schedule repeat airings.

And now the Halmark channel are really entertaining us with these amazing Christmas movies.