Result simply means to proceed, spring or rise as a consequence, from facts, arguments, premises, combination of circumstances consultation, thought or endeavor. Or it simply means to come out or have an issue, to terminate, or to have consequences or conclusion. Result can also be seen as something that follows naturally from particular action, operation, or course, consequence or outcome. It can also be seen as something that happens or exist because of something else that has happened. But in a very simple term, result can be seen as the consequence, effect, or outcome of something. While insult is an expression or statement which is disrespect or scornful. Or it simply means to treat with insolence, indignity, or contempt. Insult also means to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness. But in a very simple term, insult simply means to speak or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. But in relation to this topic "result eliminate insult " is a phenomenon that involves the ability to yield a solution, in order to generate an out turn or outcome, that can be able to solve a specific problem, in a particular situation, in order to remove or do away with any form of scornful abuse that may be as a result of lack of result or outcome. 
   Some of the factors that can aid an individual to be able to produce result in any circumstance, in order to get rid of insult, include concentration, living a descent life, discipline, and always asking possible questions that can solve a particular problem. This means that, result can only be produce from a person that seeks it, and from a person that always put in his entire and absolute concentration and effort, in order to find a specific solution to solve a particular problem. Result can also be achieve by a person that always ask of the possible formulas that can be use to produce a solution or an outcome that can best solve a problem. Therefore, an individual can be able to produce result, if only he or she always put in his or her best, submit absolute and total concentration, think deep and productively, and experiment on producing possible outcome or result of a particular situation or circumstances. This is because result is the only eliminator of insult or embarrassment, especially in a particular situation. And to be able to avoid insult, you need to be able to produce result and solution to problems, combine with smartness, wisdom, understanding and knowledge. 
   In conclusion, some of the factors that can aid an individual to produce result, include dedication, determination, smartness, always concentrating, and always trying to find necessary informations that can solve a particular problem. This is because only result terminate insult, and keeps your dignity and respect alive. Therefore, in life always strive to be a problem solver.